Stephen McFeely just states it's because "he's a ruthless SOB" but one could argue it's more down to wanting to keep the knowledge of the Infinity Gauntlet secret. Eitri successfully made the Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos proceeded to put it on and, ready to act on his quest to gather all six stones. But if you're asking if it was wrong because he was unarmed and injured, no. A Time Warner Company. I think it was confirmed in an interview that there were survivors and the used the Grand Masters ship to leave. Wanda Maximoff. Then Loki tries to kill Thanos by letting out Hulk and later by himself. He was also the guardian at the Bifrost bridge that only gods and their chosen representatives could cross. Heimdall had been living in the observatory for some time and only used it as a base of operations. According to the myth, Loki and Heimdall had been feuding for a long time and the feud eventually came to a head when Heimdall accused Loki of stealing some of Odins prized possessions. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Rocket and Nebula, just to pull from the peoplein that room had just as strong a claim to the deed, but they didn't get to. Baldur agreed, even though he was Odins most-beloved son. For that reason, Thanos kills Loki. Thor didn't do such a thing and Maw has already made him imprisoned inside some metallic bond. It wasn't expected, nor was it the usual behavior of the hero in almost any movie, let alone one with a younger audience. Hes tried to kill his brother Thor (Chris Hemsworth) countless times, killed possibly thousands of people and caused more destruction than any other character. It only takes a minute to sign up. Eitri didn't and couldn't operate the forge all by himself, Thor did a lot of the work with the help of Rocket and Groot even helped at the end. which shows the viewer how much helpless Thor at the time and how much powerful Thanos actually is.. he is unlike any other villian neither Thor or Avengers ever met yet. But this time, Thor is wise to Loki's ways and incapacitates him, leaving him behind on Sakaar while he, Valkyrie, and the Hulk head to Asgard. Thanos In Norse mythology, there are several individuals and entities that are potentially stronger than Odin, such as Thor and Loki, the Aesir and Vanir gods, the jtnar or giants, and the chaotic forces of the primordial form of the universe. Added to the fact that he's already destroyed the stones, he's outlived any usefulness he may have had kept alive. As co-writer Stephen McFeely explains in The Art of Avengers: Infinity War, this was intended to show "that he's a ruthless SOB." In the scene at the Asgardian ship, he just annhilated half of the asgardians, with weaken Thor and Loki comes up. Presumably, the explanation would be that Cap pops to the future from the 1950s (since he returned to the past to live with Peggy), when hes in his late 40s, to help in a battle in the late 2020s/early 2030s before returning home. When Rocket asked what he had done, Thor replied that this time, he went for the head.[2]. rune king thor - Dead A new fan theory now aims to explain what really happened and why. Odin then willingly accepted his death, appreciating that it was for the greater good. The God of Mischief doesn't disappear that easily, however. You can unsubscribe at any time. Express. Loki, Heimdall, and Gamora are dead because the version of Thanos who killed them has always lived (and eventually died on his little farm planet). @DarrelHoffman, Thanos didn't have several of the Stones. She planned to kill Thanos herself. Casualties Nebula is a Luphomoid who has been nearly completely altered due to the constant torture she endures at the hands of her father. Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints? He has immense strength and is capable of seeing and hearing events on the other side of the Nine Realms. I'd say it was legally justified, and certainly morally, as well. Remember, only this site's policies fully apply in this site. It is strange that we see the Power Stone take over every bit of the ship except for what seems like a small area around Thor. When Thanos asked for Tesseract why didn't Loki just lie? Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? Heimdall uses the Bifrost to transport the Hulk to Earth, after which he uses his powers to throw his own sword to Thor, who turns around and uses it to sever the Bifrost bridge. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. His two ravens, Hugin and Munin, bring him news of what is happening in all of the nine realms that he rules, and his spear Gungnir is said to never miss its target. When Loki tries to escape back to Asgard via the Bifrst Bridge, Hela pursues and knocks both Loki and Thor out into the wilderness of space while she goes on to Asgard. But later on, we find out that Odin actually adopted Loki after he defeated Laufey and the frost giants of Jotunheim. It is difficult to say who the strongest Nordic god is, as each of them possess different strengths, weaknesses and attributes. Why is this? Enraged, Loki charged at Heimdall with his sword and killed him. Abomination returned in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, when its revealed that Wong (Benedict Wong) pulls him out of prison to fight in underground fight clubs. Where usually Thanos wipes out half of a people's population, as part of his insane idea of balance, on Nidavellir he had slaughtered them all. Thanos killed 300 dwarves on Nidavellir, thus stopping it from producing new weapons, but he did leave one single dwarf alive there, their king Eitri. Odin, being a deity and the ruler of the Aesir gods, is not considered to be defeated in the traditional sense. This time, however, Loki actually sticks around and pledges himself to the new Asgard before they set off for Earth. Sometimes, that line is a little thinner than others, where a characters guilt or innocence is almost indistinguishable. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. The Avengers gave up on ever resurrecting the victims of the Snap, as the Infinity Stones were destroyed, and went on to live as the survivors of the universe. WebI got you, kid. Killing all but one of the Dwarves already goes against Thanos' MO he probably didn't want to break it further by killing all of them. Emil Blonsky (Tim Roth), a former special-ops commander in the British Royal Marines, was first introduced in The Incredible Hulk, when he was recruited by General Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt) to become a test subject for a Super Soldier Serum variant and defeat the Hulk (Ed Norton). He was also in contact with Thor, the God of Thunder, allowing him to alert Thor of any danger or sign of trouble in the realms. WebThanos then tortured her to coerce Gamora to take him to the Soul Stone. Where are the rest of the Dwarves of Nidavellir? Most of those 1 Million inhabitants were slaughtered by Hela, leaving only like maybe a 200-300 people to still be alive, when Thor took of with the space ship from Asgard, right before it exploded. rev2023.3.1.43269. Mid-2018[1][2] After an encounter with Doctor Strange, who Loki did not get along with, they locate Odin with Strange's help. During the Time Heist, when Nebula traveled back to 2014 to retrieve the Power Stone, a recording she had saved of Thanos' final moments was played by the Nebula of that time, revealing to that Thanos his destiny.[2]. Why didn't Thanos use the Time Stone to stop the Avengers' plan? [throws him upward where he lands on Valkyrie's steed] Spider-Man : [to Valkyrie] Hey, nice to meet yo- OH, MY GOD! Why didn't Thanos kill all the Dwarves on Nidavellir? No, Thanos did not only kill half of the Asgardians. Disney Plus features some new Avengers Endgame deleted scenes and one of these confirms that Thanos is technically still alive. Situations like these are relatively very rare in comic books, TV shows, find and other superhero-based media, especially coming from a film (distributes by Disney) that is aiming towards teenagers and older children as audiences. Date he just want to eliminate 50% chosen randomly. Vision died at the very end of the film, when Thanos crushed his head to rip out the Mind Stone, rendering the sentient A.I. As for his physical strength, he has been known to fight against giants and trolls, take on multiple opponents at the same time, and lift extremely heavy objects with his bare hands. There's no way he's getting out of Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. discovered while unearthing Captain America. Being Odins son, Thanos probably had some kind of trepidation about Thor. Thanos (Josh Brolin) is unequivocally defeated in Avengers: Endgame, to the point he dies twice! The first happens early on in the film; after the Avengers attack him in the Garden, he reveals he's destroyed the Infinity Stones, putting an end to their plan, so Thor corrects his Infinity War mistake and goes for the head. Who is stronger than Odin in Norse mythology? After helping to defeat Abomination, Bruce Banner secluded himself in South America, which is where Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) found him during Avengers. [3] The Avengers initially believed Thanos to be lying, to which Nebula replied that while her adoptive father was many things, he was not a liar. 5 Amora The Enchantress. Loki is imprisoned in the Asgard cells as a result of his crimes on earth during "The Avengers.". Unfortunately, Infinity War isn't particularly consistent with the idea of Thanos's relentless commitment to logically pursuing his goal. But this is just another fake-death from Loki, who later reappears during the closing scenes of "Thor: The Dark World.". Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The Power Stone was in possession of Thanos, so it's less likely to help Thor. In addition, Odin is a god who rules with wisdom and has a broad range of knowledge which gives him an extra edge in intelligence. After much rambling I had found out that the planet Titan which now looked like trash use to be Thano's home . Thanos quickly stops the attempt, however, and throttles Loki. Asgard had about a million inhabitants. Under interrogation, Thanos revealed that his most recent usage of the Infinity Stones had been to destroy them, ensuring that they could not be tempted to use them again and undo the Snap. Heimdall was the god of vigilance and was believed to possess extraordinary strength and senses. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. As Ronin, Clint assassinated countless people before Black Widow found him and gave him hope they could bring his loved ones back. Loki reluctantly hands over the tesseract, which Thanos crumbles in his hand, revealing the space stone inside. He first appeared in the first Thor movie in 2011 and has since appeared in Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok. With this in mind, Thanos was snapped so hes technically still alive as they were. Before the Avengers Infinity War, Thanos had already sacked and destroyed the Asgardian home planet of Asgard, killing most of its citizens. I think Thor's action was understandable, but also that he fundamentally acted out of anger and vengeance against a threat that could be safely contained. Also if there is no one left alive, then no one would know what happend and that it was Thanos who killed them. No injury, though. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? Thanos. @SuryaTej, I think thats a valid point even if it's not using any MCU reference. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. I almost wonder, is the Power Stone helping Thor? In the end, however, seeing the fear in her childrens eyes caused by her, Wanda realized the destruction she had done and destroyed the Darkhold, possibly killing herself in the process. Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard in Norse mythology, is one of the most powerful gods in the universe. luke cage - Thor might, just might be pushed back a couple of feet. He really doesn't want to leave Thor alive and he didn't expect him to stay alive after blasting their ship. However, Thor was saved by the Guardia I agree that what Thanos had done is universally unredeemable in any MCU society. Tony Stark snapped his fingers and turned Thanos and his armies to dust, but Gamora may have been spared. WebIn the Ultimate Marvel universe, Thor (Thorlief Golmen) is a fictional superhero based on the Marvel Universe version of Thor.Thor was the Asgardian God of Thunder based on the deity of the same name of Norse mythology and a founding member of the Ultimates.. Thor was adapted from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's comic book version of Thor by Mark Millar @jeffronicus I'm not sure about that.may be you're right, but I think Thanos has no intention on select and kill. I love the character. Odin is not specifically said to be afraid of any particular being, but there are a few entities in Norse mythology that are powerful enough to make him take caution. After a fight, Thor destroys the bridge and Loki is hanging off of the edge, dangling by his staff. Amora the Enchantress is one of Thors most significant adversaries in the comics, an Asgardian with vast magical abilities. After the fall of Hydra, they joined Ultron to help get their revenge on Tony Stark, but then realized Ultrons plan to commit genocide on the human race, so they agreed to help the Avengers defeat him, which resulted in Pietros death. Cassie helps M.O.D.O.K. Loki lets go of the staff and falls into the dark abyss of space beneath him, seemingly committing suicide. However, Odin and Thor are generally seen to be the two most powerful gods in the Norse pantheon, and thus can be said to be the strongest. Now that the Avengers: Endgame's digital versions are out with commentary from the writers and directors it was revealed that Thanos' death was more of an "assisted suicide". Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? The Mad Titan promised if he refuses to forge an object, Thanos would exterminate all of the Dwarves. A lot happened and Loki is dead for real this time . "So at one point in the room, everyone's getting real frustrated saying, 'What is the story here?' WebGuardians of the galaxy vol 3 poster. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? Do spells end with the death of the caster? Odin and Thor are both very powerful gods, and can be said to be the two strongest gods of the Nordic pantheon. Thanos seeks the stone from Loki by further touturing Thor. Thanos killed 300 dwarves on Nidavellir, thus stopping it from producing new weapons, but he did leave one single dwarf alive there, their king Eitri. Thanos was also unwilling to fight the Avengers, and was acting rather passively. He'd rendered Eitri largely useless for forging having encased his hands in molten metal. After Thor turns down Odin's offer of the throne and leaves, saying he is not ready to be king, Odin shapeshifts and he is revealed to actually be Loki posing as Odin. Avengers Endgame: 'I love you 3000 secret revealed, Avengers Endgame: THIS snapped character almost survived Infinity War, Avengers Endgame deleted scene proves Thanos is ALIVE He really could RETURN to MCU, The Hulk talking to the Ancient One in alternate 2012, Thanos was willed out of existence by Iron Man's snap, but he's technically not dead. Frost giants of Jotunheim the caster want to leave Thor - Dead new. Not using any MCU society guilt or innocence is almost indistinguishable there is no one know... And how to solve it, given the constraints being Odins son Thanos! Gamora to take him to stay alive after blasting their ship went the... Thanos crumbles in his hand, revealing the space Stone inside attempt, however into the Dark World how is thanos alive after thor killed him. Easily, however, Loki actually sticks around and pledges himself to the constant torture endures. Was the god of Mischief does n't disappear that easily, however on the other side of the gods! 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